National Capital Region Substance Use Disorder Symposium header

CME Registration Information

In order to obtain Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits, you must have registered for the Substance Use Disorder Annual Symposium.


CME registration is available at NAVY CME Link:
Click on Registration.

Participants MUST also register for CME credits BEFORE the Symposium. Participants cannot access or register for CME until 30 days before the training (August 22). Participants MUST create a NAVY CME account to register if you do not already have one. Participants MUST save their password to receive CME credits after the Symposium. If participants already have an ARMY or NAVY CME account, use that account to go in and register for this activity. Activity Title and ID available below, it usually works best with Activity ID.

Once the course is completed, the CME system will automatically remove the activity from the "list of activities" being offered. You must manually type in the Activity Number. DO NOT cut and paste as the system will not recognize the characters when pasted.

Activity Title: 2021 Substance Use Disorder Annual Symposium WRNMMC (Interprofessional, CDE)
Activity ID: 2021-0566


  • Once the workshop is completed, the CME system will automatically remove the activity from the "list of activities" being offered.
  • There will be 2 different surveys, one overall Training survey that will be sent to you by Infinity Conference Group. The other will be in the CME system and will need to be completed to retrieve your CME certificate. Please DO NOT confuse the 2 different surveys.
  • If you have not already done so, download the plenary and workshop sign-in sheets and return to Troy Spencer at or by 28 SEPTEMBER 2021 1600 EST.
    Sign-In Sheets will NOT be accepted after this date.

CME Credits will not be available until approximately the end of October, however you will receive an email from the CME system once your credits have been added and you can move forward with retrieving your certificate. Please do not expect CME before this time.

For questions, contact:
Troy Spencer, troy.j.spencer.ctr@mail.mill or

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